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The following Testimonials and Before and After photos are from people who have followed Karen Fischer's various diet programs, which are available in The Eczema Diet Membership. Note we use watermarks to protect our images. 

Results may vary. We do not guarantee you will have the same self-motivation, determination or results as other members. 

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Anna (united states)


Email received 24th October 2020

"I've been meaning to send this for a while. I wanted to just stop and say thank you for saving my skin. I have had eczema since I was 12 and put on steroid cream from the start. No one ever told me to not use it everyday, so for 11 years I put that all over my face. I actually had premature signs of glaucoma from using the steroids so much.


I am 24 now and this is the first time since I was 12 that I DON'T need steroid cream. I am shocked. I did the FID strictly for 3 months and then went from there. I eat a lot of normal foods now and starting to tolerate things better. I still have a few eczema spots but NOTHING like it was before. It’s been about 10 months. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! My face actually looks normal again."

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KATIE (new zealand) 

Lifelong Eczema 

Testimonial received via email, 29th March 2020

"Dear Karen, Where do I start? I have always suffered from eczema. I remember as a child being jealous of other kids in assembly who had smooth skin on the backs of their knees while mine were all scabby and sore.


Throughout my life I have had good and bad times, including nearly being put in hospital in my early twenties as I had hypothermia due to the rawness of my skin and I looked like a burns victim. I have tried so many diets and creams and used steroids for years but never really managed to get on top of it.  Leading up to Christmas 2017 my skin was bad, so as a New Year’s resolution I started on what I thought would be a healthy diet: no dairy, alcohol or chocolate but lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats etc. But I went from bad to worse, I was covered from head to toe with eczema and itched like crazy. The doctor put me on stronger steroid creams, prednisone and antihistamines day and night but I saw little improvement. I was signed off work for a month to see if it was stress-related but only saw a small improvement.


The doctor recommended me to a skin specialist and while waiting I found your book, supplements and website.  I was very sceptical, given I had tried so many diets before, but I had to do something. I was so unwell I had nothing to lose. The results were amazing — within ten days I was able to stop taking the antihistamines, it felt like coming out of a fog, the itching was reducing. The skin specialist wanted me to try drugs to suppress my immune system usually used for a certain type of cancer treatment and this meant a two-year course with the possibility of some side effects. As I was beginning to see some improvements to my skin by following your diet, we agreed to delay taking the drugs.


I followed your diet for five months and by the following Christmas my skin was eczema-free and I had lost that bit of extra weight I could never shift, even though I was eating lots of food and never hungry while on your diet. Over a year later I am still eczema-free. Thank you again, you have changed my life, my skin is the best it has ever been, and so smooth. The healing power of your diet is amazing."

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Former patient of nutritionist Karen Fischer at the Eczema Life Clinic

Images: 12 October 2016 - 25 January 2017

"I have always had eczema but after a stressful period of my life my eczema became unmanageable and so painful. It looked like my skin was burnt, it was hot, itchy and dry. I was applying cream 10-20 times a day with ice packs to try to help with the pain. My sleep was terrible because of the eczema pain waking me. No steroid creams worked and after my GP recommended bleach baths I decided to instead meet with Karen. I immediately took the Skin Friend AM and PM and started The Eczema Detox (FID Program).


After about 3 to 6 weeks I started to see a slight change and continued. I then I saw a huge change after 2-3 months on the diet. My body felt clean on the inside and my dryness disappeared from head to toe including my scalp. My skin has healed and I now live pain free. My friends keep saying how healthy I look and how my skin is glowing. I apply cream to my body once a day now and I am no longer trying to cover my skin when I go out in public. I feel so much better about myself and I have also noticed an improvement in my overall health. Less sinus issues and if I get sick I recover quicker.


If you have eczema you would be crazy to not try this diet and supplements asap. I feel like I now have control of my eczema, not it controlling me."

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Vasunthra (Malaysia)

Hand eczema

Email received September 2021  

"The changes in my hands while following the FID Program has been tremendous. All the redness have been gone, though there is still some dryness (which is not a concern for me). I am so grateful for the FID diet. This is my hand now, 6 days into the FID Diet."

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Former patient of nutritionist Karen Fischer 

"Georgia’s skin condition has really started clearing up over the past four to five weeks. Georgia (Gigi) woke up a couple of days ago and said, “Mum, I don’t have eczema any more!” She was so excited. You are a true blessing Karen ... Life for us has never been better and I can thank you for most of that! Ever since Gigi was eight months old I have tried every doctor, dermatologists, naturopaths, Chinese medicine, dieticians, old wives remedies etc., and no one has explained eczema to me like you have."

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CLAIRE (United kingdom) 

Red Skin Syndrome

Testimonial received via email, 19th February 2021

"I first developed very mild eczema in my arm creases when I was about 12 years old. My eyelids and face began to flare from about age 13 and my whole teenage years were fraught with facial ‘eczema’ where I was prescribed steroid cream time and time again. I’d been for every allergy test under the sun but couldn’t work out what was flaring my eczema. 


By the time I was in my 20’s I was being prescribed 6 tubes of Elocon each doctor's appointment. I was always told I had ‘worsening eczema’. By Nov 2019, I had developed a red rash all over my stomach. It hurt like acid to have a shower and the seams of my clothes caused me to wince in pain. Again the doctor prescribed topical steroids but this time I was given Prednisone (oral steroids). This was too good to be true though and when the prednisone wore off, the red skin came back with a vengeance. The red skin spread to the entire top half of my body and face. I scoured the internet for hours to work out what was causing my allergy? Eczema? Reaction? I decided I didn’t want any more prednisone and needed other answers. 


On a late night search I discovered a story about Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) and the first stage of Red Skin Syndrome (RSS) and the symptoms listed described everything I was experiencing: red skin, burning, skin sensitivity, severe itch all worsening after using steroids. This was my lightbulb moment. 


Thankfully my research led me to Karen Fischer's book and it changed my world. I’d initially tried to go off Topical Steroids cold turkey and I lasted 6 days. The itch was so intense I couldn’t cope. I couldn’t sleep or work or look after my children properly. Karen doesn’t recommend cold turkey, rather outlining a tapered process and I began that whilst getting my body in the best condition I could ready for the withdrawal I knew was to come. I took the [Skin Friend] AM and PM supplements and completely overhauled my diet – religiously following The Eczema Detox book. Once I stopped using the steroid creams, my body had stopped being red all over. That was the biggest relief.  


Fast forward now 14 months and it has been a long road. BUT I am on the mend. The only places that itch now are my stomach and wrists and I know they are healing. This in itself is INCREDIBLE and I can work and be the mother I am meant to be. 


I still eat as per Karen’s guidelines and follow the recipes all the time. Having Karen not only acknowledge TSW (as a professional), but give tips and insights was a turning point I am forever thankful for. The education Karen has provided has changed my life."



alexa (canada) 


Review for The Eczema Detox from AMAZON.COM


"After two years of struggling with painful rosacea and spending $$$$, this diet was a welcome relief. It’s hard to commit to, but once I did, I saw results right away. Read all the material, follow the recipes, and you won’t regret it."



susanna r.

Hives (urticaria), eczema, acne, stomach aches  

Review from SKINFRIEND.COM,  1 Oct 2021

"We, but especially my daughter, have been through a very tough time with eczema, random hives, skin rashes, teenage breakouts and stomach aches. We found Karen Fischer online and we purchased her Eczema Detox book to start with, which was brilliant and the results amazing! It was tough to switch to the FID program … But after two weeks the new diet became very easy to follow. We have seen drastic improvement and look forward to introducing new foods very soon!"

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LINDA (Australia)

Son with eczema   

Former patient of nutritionist Karen Fischer 

"The dietary changes and advice Karen gave us worked and two months later Jesse’s eczema was gone. It’s great, Jesse doesn’t need medications anymore. I could finally throw away the Advantan as we had found the source of the eczema rather than masking the symptoms. I liked the fact that the diet allowed us to find the specific foods he was reacting to, and it was very straightforward and easy to follow. Friends and family were amazed and asked how I got his skin looking so good."


catherine (united states) 

Psoriasis and eczema   

Review for The Eczema Detox from AMAZON.COM

"This book has really helped heal my eczema and psoriasis. I am doing the FID Program and am testing foods currently. It’s been life changing!"

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mary (Australia)

Lifelong eczema 

Former patient of nutritionist Karen Fischer 

"I’ve had eczema since birth. A specialist diagnosed my condition as chronic eczema. My skin, especially my face and neck, hurt and itched constantly, I was always tired and often irritable; I’d accepted that it would be with me for life ...


Thanks to Karen’s program I am now clear of eczema (none, zilch, not a skerrick). The real turning point came when I started taking the eczema supplement Karen developed. My energy levels increased, I could finally kick the sugar and for the first time in my life I became eczema clear. I was amazed! To maintain really healthy skin I always start the day with Karen’s smoothie. I now use a far lighter moisturiser and much less of it on my face and body. My family has even commented how they love Mummy’s new soft skin. Thank you Karen, my only regret is that I didn’t find your program sooner."

claudine (AUSTRALIA) 

Son with eczema

Former patient of nutritionist Karen Fischer at the Eczema Life Clinic

"Hi Karen, I would firstly like to thank you so much for your help with my son’s eczema. Not only does my son have his skin back, but he is so much more confident. You see, he is quite timid and having just started school this year was extremely paranoid about his “itchies”.


I was getting quite upset and stressed as nothing would work and we had tried so many things: skin specialists, three naturopaths, Bowen therapy, Australian Biologics, NAET therapy and even went back to his paediatrician.


He had a swim program at school which he was very upset about attending as he would have to show his skin and some kids had already asked about it. As a result, he would go to school on hot days with a jumper on as he wanted to keep covered and when I told him he was to now wear his summer uniform to school he got so upset.


It’s heartbreaking when your little boy cries to you and asks you, “When will my itchies go away, Mum?” and you’ve exhausted every avenue and still have no answer! So on behalf of Jacob, I thank you so much for your fantastic book."

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Natalya (new zealand)

Two sons with eczema 

Former patient of nutritionist Karen Fischer 

"The diet plus all the supplements worked so well for us. I felt like a miracle happened to Leo. (He had regular steroid creams from a very early age, on top of antibiotics for infections on the skin that often happened because of various reasons, including childcare and very itchy nights ...) We had flaxseed oil and probiotics and other natural supplements before, but I think the combination and diet that you described is the most effective.


I also learnt a lot for myself, for my own health! Many thanks for this too. My younger one also had a bit of eczema, but just few spots ... When we did the diet, we had it pretty much for the whole family. Milan’s eczema also completely disappeared."

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Sophie (united Kingdom)


Photos received 24th August 2020

"I had eczema as a child which I naturally grew out of, then in 2018, in my late twenties it returned; mostly on my eyelids, neck and arm creases. For the next two years my eczema got progressively worse, I saw doctors and was using occasional steroid creams to control it. They started to become less effective, and my eczema was getting worse. Then in May 2020 I saw my GP who wanted to prescribe me steroid creams again and told me it was unlikely to be diet related. I did my own research and found Karen’s book and website. By the time the book arrived my eczema was at its worst. I wasn’t sleeping well (waking up often, having scratched my skin raw). My whole face was so inflamed, and I was miserably uncomfortable all the time.

During the first week on the FID I found I was very low on energy as I got used to the diet (having cut out caffeine and sugar). Then after two weeks I started to see very slow gradual improvements—I would wake up in the morning with really flakey shedding skin but it was no longer constantly itchy. It was also at this time my sleep started to improve, I remember the first morning waking up realising I had slept through the night, very exciting!

I noticed a pattern with my recovery; my skin would improve for a few days, before I’d have a flare up. Kind of like two steps forward, one back. But eventually the flares would be less (my skin would no longer break as it would have before) and it would heal faster.

This got less and less, and after two months my skin felt strong again so I started the FID tests. I found I reacted to banana, but passed the rest of the amines test. It has now been almost 3 months since starting the FID Program. When cooking at home I tend to stick to ingredients from the list. I now have the odd night off completely (although still avoiding dairy and tomatoes), for example if I go out for a meal. My skin is now stronger than ever.

Photo documenting really helped, as it could be quite disheartening when I would be improving, only to have another flare, but the photos helped to remind myself of how far I’d come from my worst. It's a slow process so I encourage others to be patient with recovery, as it is very much worth the commitment!"

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Stacey D.

Hives, TSW

Review for The Healthy Skin Kitchen from SKINFRIEND.COM, 6th April 2021   

"It's helping! My eczema issues exploded as an adult after (unknowingly) living in a moldy apartment for almost 5 years. I went through TSW for 4 years and still struggled to get my skin under control. Amidst all of that, I ate an AIP diet for a few years and avoided histamines due to a histamine intolerance. Still no real improvement. Always getting hives. Always red. Always itchy.


I bought the Healthy Skin Kitchen about 4 weeks ago. After some trial and error, I’m starting to see improvements. I’m still itchy but my skin is clearing up immensely. I’m also using the Skin Friend AM and PM supplements and really like them. (I’ve taken a million high quality supplements over the years and have often had reactions. No reactions to these! … Thank you, Karen, for your wonderful work!"

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Cathi (Australia)

Son with eczema 

Former patient of nutritionist Karen Fischer 

"I have been recently trying your advice about giving my five-year-old, who suffers terribly from eczema, a daily dose of the supplement for salicylate sensitivity. I must say that after three days his skin is beautiful. I have never seen it look this good. Combined with your diet I am so grateful for a different child."

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Red Skin Syndrome 

Former patient of nutritionist Karen Fischer 

"I have been going through topical steroid withdrawal now for eight months. This has been an enormous challenge! Karen I can't thank you enough for your guidance and support with this condition which is often not recognized by medical practitioners. The Eczema Detox plan and the Skin Friend AM and PM supplements have lessened the symptoms and I have no doubt are shortening the healing time as I continue to improve. Thank you again!"

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Jenny (Australia)

Daughter with skin rashes and vomiting

Former patient of nutritionist Karen Fischer

"Clare has gone from vomiting up to ten times a day to just once a week. She hasn’t had any rashes for at least a fortnight. Clare stopped vomiting within three to four days after starting the diet and supplements. Her twin sister Reese is also a “new” baby girl ... She’s gone from a grumpy whinger to a happy little girl in the last few weeks. I am keeping the “new” baby! Reese’s personality change happened about ten days to two weeks after starting the new diet."

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megan o. 

Dyshidrotic eczema

Testimonial received 31st May 2017

"I have a form of eczema called Dyshidrotic Eczema on a couple of my fingers. It consists of tiny blisters that form and are really itchy, and on bad occasions, would cluster up together to form a dark red appearance on my finger. Sometimes it got so bad that I couldn't bend my fingers because of the large amounts of blisters that formed together on joints my fingers. I was very upset and embarrassed about my eczema and have tried many things such as drinking apple cider vinegar, taking chlorella tablets, increasing my iron intake etc. However, nothing has helped me significantly until I discovered Skin Friend. After a month of consuming Skin Friend, my eczema started clearing up and I am so thankful for Karen and her team for helping me control my eczema. Now, my fingers just look like any normal person's fingers! I definitely recommend Skin Friend to fellow eczema sufferers out there!" 

Tani (New zealand)

Family with eczema

Image: Her daughter's wedding day, eczema-free


"I am so thankful for your diet that I wanted to write and tell you how much it has helped us. My fourteen-year-old's eczema has cleared up completely and he can now eat a normal diet.


I used to worry that my daughter would not be able to get married and have children, which was what she wanted to do, because her hands were so, so sore. She could barely look after herself—she wouldn't have been able to look after a home or a baby. But during the year we were on the Eczema Diet, she met the man she would marry. By their wedding day she was completely cured with beautiful skin, and now they are joyfully expecting their first child. BEAT THAT FOR A HAPPY ENDING!" 

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Amanda (New Zealand)


Testimonial received 8th May 2017

“I am 51 years of age and have suffered from eczema since I was around 3 years old. In all that time (apart from the last 3 years when I have been following Karen's Eczema Diet) I have continuously used some fairly heavy topical steroid creams. So now I have followed the guidelines of Karen's book. In the last six months my progress has much improved. My "flare ups" are not as aggressive and do not last as long.  The swelling has gone down and not as red, no more weepy skin on my neck and eyelids.  I can get water on my face!  I don't have crying temper tantrums when my hands, face and neck are so itchy I'm scratching them raw.  I'm getting more than 2 hours sleep a night, sometimes even 6!!!!  YAAAH. My sheets and pillow slips are not constantly in the wash. These are just a few of the improvements. I've still got a wee way to go but it's nice to see a little light at the end of such a very long, depressing and dark tunnel. Thank you Karen.”

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Rhianna (Australia)

Son with eczema

Former patient of nutritionist Karen Fischer 

"Hi Karen, I just wanted to give you an update on Darcy. His back, wrists, ankles and the insides of his arms have cleared up. I also wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have changed me and helped to improve my son’s happiness and life. Your work is amazing and what you have done for my family and others is just life-changing."

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Karen Fischer, nutritionist and author

Karen has a Bachelor of Health Science Degree from the University of New England in Armidale and she has been a qualified nutritionist for 20 years. She previously ran the Eczema Life Clinic in Sydney and is the author of 7 health books, including The Eczema Diet, The Eczema Detox and The Healthy Skin Kitchen.  Join The Eczema Diet Membership for unlimited access to UPDATED VERSIONS of all of Karen's Diet Programs, including FID. Karen also shares her family favourite recipes, her latest tips via podcasts and each week she answers your burning questions. 

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